Call for papers

The International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education (STE2020) aims to address the main issues which occur by assessing the relationship between Sustainability, Education and Technology.

Broad areas of interest are: Sustainability and Leadership, Sustainability and Green IT, Sustainability and Education. These broad areas are divided into more detailed areas (see below). However innovative contributes that do not fit into these areas will also be considered since they might be of benefit to conference attendees.

Main areas and topics are suggested below:

Sustainability and Leadership

  • Sustainability and Management
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Design
  • Sustainable Design and Business Strategy
  • Sustainability and Accounting
  • Sustainability and Finance and Economic
  • Sustainability and Marketing and Barding
  • Technology Development and Innovation at Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
  • Sustainability and Natural Resources
  • Sustainability and Sustainable Design
  • Sustainability and Ethics
  • Sustainability and Stewardships
  • Sustainability, value and business strategy
  • Sustainability and Social
  • Sustainability and Culture
  • Sustainability and Environment
  • Sustainability and Law
  • Sustainability and Developed Countries
  • Sustainability and Developing Countries
  • Sustainability and SME

Sustainability and Green IT

  • Sustainability and Social Media
  • Sustainability and Online Community
  • Sustainability, Green IT and Internet
  • Innovation of Green Technologies
  • Green Procurement
  • Green IT and Energy
  • Green IT and e-Waste
  • Technologies and Green IT
  • Green IT and Sustainable Design
  • Green IT Development and Sustainability
  • Green Supply Chain and Logistics
  • Sustainability and Green IT Policy and standards
  • Green IT and Sustainability and escorting to change
  • Sustainability and Green IT business
  • Sustainability and Green IT Infrastructure
  • Cloud computing and virtualization

Sustainability and Education

  • Education and Training
  • Accreditation
  • Green IT and teaching
  • Sustainability and Green Campus
  • Education for Sustainability
  • Sustainability and Curriculum frameworks
  • Shifting toward Sustainability
  • Sustainability and Future Generation
  • Sustainability and e-Society

The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions:

  • Full Papers – These include mainly accomplished research results and have 8 pages at the maximum (5,000 words).
  • Short Papers – These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).
  • Reflection Papers – These might review recent research literature pertaining to a particular problem or approach, indicate what the findings suggest, and/or provide a suggestion – with rationale and justification – for a different approach or perspective on that problem. Reflection papers might also analyze general trends or discuss important issues in topics related to Sustainability, Technology and Education. These have four pages at maximum (2,500 words) .
  • Posters / Demonstrations – These have one page at the maximum (625 words) besides the poster itself (or demonstration) that will be exposed at the conference.
  • Tutorials – Tutorials can be proposed by scholars or company representatives. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
  • Panels – Discussions on selected topics will be held. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
  • Invited Talks – These will be made of contributions from well-known scholars and company representatives. An abstract will be included in the conference proceedings.
  • Doctoral Consortium – The Doctoral Consortium will discuss on going work of PhD students in an informal and formative atmosphere. Contributions to the consortium should take the form of either: a critical literature review of the research topic providing the rationale for the relevance and interest of the research topic; or a short paper discussing the research question(s), research objectives, research methodology and work done so far. Doctoral Consortium Contributions should have a maximum 2,500 words (4 pages).
  • Corporate Showcases & Exhibitions – The former enables Companies to present recent developments and applications, inform a large and qualified audience of your future directions and showcase company’s noteworthy products and services. There will be a time slot for companies to make their presentation in a room. The latter enables companies the opportunity to display its latest offerings of hardware, software, tools, services and books, through an exhibit booth. For further details please contact the publicity chair –

This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.

Important Dates

– Submission Deadline (last call): 30 December 2019
– Notification to Authors (last call): 13 January 2020
– Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (1st call): until 6 December 2019
– Late Registration (1st call): after 6 December 2019
– Conference: 5 – 7 February 2020